Saturday, August 1, 2009

New camera, new pictures!

First day with my new camera yesterday, here are some shots I took.

Luckie Dog!

Lindsay and Snow White!

It sure is a good thing I have such beautiful and photogenic kids!

Well, maybe not photogenic all of the time.

But ALWAYS beautiful!

Isn't this camera great??

Lindsay loves to swim in her pool at my parent's house.

Mom's hat.

She's such a model!
This camera is amazing, I guess I am ok too.


B1GJ4K3 said...

Geeze my babies are cute!

trenchmonkey said...
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trenchmonkey said...

Very nice start with your "new" DSLR, Jenn :)
Love the Mom's hat shot!

Virginia Janet said...

Beautiful pictures of cute kids... I too love to capture beautiful pictures in my camera which got from Circuit City last month!!