I want my new threadless orders now! And my old one that I had to return for the right size!! But now it seems the one I was exchanging it for is gone. Whether my exchange went through or not I have no idea. I haven't even received an email or anything saying that they got it. I sent it a week ago and it said it was shipped to the address it said to send it to but now I know nothing. I really hope I got the exchange I wanted because that shirt was so amazing! I want them I want them!!! I feel so helpless!
Old Town San Diego apparently a lot of people were hung from this tree back in the day. Creepy.
This place has the prettiest lights ever! Buy me one!
My cousin Robbie! He's great! And that was pretty much it except we never got any pictures of all of us on the canoe and kayak or the paddle boat. All in all it sure was a great trip, but I missed my Chole!
Here is a recent shot of my kido, and her new toy, Slimy the worm. And the rest of these are shots from last night with Chole. I know. The order is off. Just pretend. I told you I was new at this.
I wonder who N and P are...
Another shot of the prettiest girls ever!
Play ground time.
We went to Satellite. I got hot chocolate because I am lame.
Oh that's who N and P are. I would have never guessed.
We also went to the airport and got fried ice cream from Garduno's. Yummy.
Well, last night Nichole (better known as Chole) and I hung out and took pictures and I decided to start this up. Bare with me. I'm a newbie and this may take me a while.
Yeah this is definitly going to take a few lessons. Why, oh why is that picture mysteriously hanging above my writing?? Okay, never fear folks. This will be updated and you will see lots o' images. Just as soon as I get Chole's pretty little tush over here! Tune in next time for the rambelings of a silly girl! -Just Jenn